Mushroom Grow Kits

Want to grow your own delicious gourmet mushrooms quickly and easily? We’ve got you covered with our range of 100% Aussie Made Mushroom Grow Kits.

🚚 FREE SHIPPING on all grow kit orders!

Mushroom Cultivation made easy!

Our mushroom kits are designed to cater to mushroom enthusiasts of all levels and come with simple, easy-to-follow instructions that will have you harvesting your own fresh homegrown mushrooms in no time.

Check out our tutorial video for a quick walkthrough on how to use your Mushroom Grow Kit!

Our Happy Growers 🍄

A few testimonials from our Fungi Fam.

  • Wow these grew enormous :O the mushroom caps were almost as large as my hand. Absolutely delicious oyster mushroom, very thick and meaty. Can't wait to try the others.


  • Absolutely divine mushrooms. What an amazing experience watching them grow day by day. My kids loved it and are pestering me to get another kit. A great learning experience for them too.


  • We promptly received a range of delicious - perfect - mushrooms and a grow kit that pretty much immediately ballooned with oyster mushrooms: you could almost watch them growing!


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Blue Oyster Mushroom Grow Kit - The Mushroom Connection

The best performing mushroom grow kits

Start growing mushrooms at home with the best performing mushroom kits on the market. The result of years of materials and recipe testing to ensure that our kits produce the biggest and best quality mushrooms possible, meaning our customers get the best bang for their buck.

All Aussie, All Natural

Made from all natural, locally sourced materials and free from any nasty chemicals, pesticides and fertilisers, our kits are also packaged in all natural organic cardboard to prevent harmful inks from leeching onto your mushrooms as they grow.

About us

Join the growing community

Unleash your inner mycologist and come join our growing community of DIY fungi farmers. Explore our website and selection of mushroom growing kits, and of course feel free to get in touch!